فارسی عربي

Cinema Verite unveils official poster

The official poster for the Cinem Verite film festival has been released.

The official poster for the Cinem Verite film festival has been released.

The 16th edition of Cinema Verite in Iran has unveiled the official poster of the event.

The Documentary and Experimental Film Center (DEFC) organizes the festival every year which showcases the very best of the documentary world to bridge the gap what they term between reality and truth.

Cinema Verite has several sections, including National, International, and Martyr Avini Prize, Entrepreneurship Documentary Competition, Coronavirus Special Section, Side Sections and commemorations.

The international section of the festival contains several non-competition sections such Special Displays, Mirror of a Festival, Portrait and Perspective of One Country Documentary Cinema.

This year’s edition of the event is scheduled for December.

